Bring prosperity to individuals and society through technopreneurship and policy development support. >through economic empowerment, technology foresight, value chain development, global marketing, university-industry linkages, policy development support in a knowledge environment.
To impact society by developing next generation leaders to foster technology based businesses through economic empowerment, technology foresight, value chain development, global marketing, university-industry linkages, policy development support in a knowledge environment.

Emancipate the existing technology clusters

HR Capacity building in specialized skill domains

Award scholarship to needy students

Mentoring and support the young Tech startups
Irteqa is a Business Support Organization (BSO) led by Passionate volunteers who see a better Pakistan for our future generations. In this effort, Advisors and Board of Directors contribute their time, knowledge and financial resources to make a difference.”
Irteqa is a Business Support Organization (BSO) established as a not for profit organization under section 42 and we have passion, energy and intelligence to bring together specialist and experienced professionals to solve pressing problems facing our nation. our shared vision with Advisors and Board members bind us together to contribute with our knowledge, time, financial as well as intellectual resources in bringing change we wish to see.